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2 500 CFA

Vêtements homme

8 moisCotonou, BéninVêtements Homme

Détails du produit

I'm zohir from soex processing located in the uae we sell used clothes and clothes ready to recycling as well, i'll share with you my contact for any collaboration or proposition during work, and by the way, we have an offer on household items till 10/05/2024 if you are interested

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2 500 CFA

Vêtements homme

8 moisCotonou, BéninVêtements Homme

Détails du produit

I'm zohir from soex processing located in the uae we sell used clothes and clothes ready to recycling as well, i'll share with you my contact for any collaboration or proposition during work, and by the way, we have an offer on household items till 10/05/2024 if you are interested

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Soex Processing Middle East

Béninlocation icon

1 Annonces

Membre depuis  8 mois

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